2018-2019 Season
Watford Friendly League
1 News Item
U9 U10 RESULT CARDS AS FROM SUNDAY 6TH JANUARY 2019 RESULT CARDS FOR THE U9’s AND U10’s NEED TO BE SENT TO SAM HADARI 15 MARRIOTT ROAD, LONDON, N10 1JJ  PLEASE NOTE TEAMS CANNOT WEAR DARK BLUE OR BLACK KITS.It is a WFL rule which clubs have been recently reminded that dark blue/black kits are not permitted.  IF teams arrive in Black Kits – Dark Blue the game will be awarded to the opposition. Clubs will also be fined for not obeying a league instruction Every Club must register the colour of its shirts and shorts with the Secretary by the 11th June. Who shall decide as to their suitability. Any Club wishing to change its name must obtain permission from the Sanctioning Authority and from the Management Committee. Goalkeepers must wear colours which distinguish them from other Players and the Match Officials. No Player, including the goalkeeper, shall be permitted to wear black or very dark shirts. Any Team not being able to play in its normal colours as registered with the Competition shall notify its opponents the colours in which they will play [including the colours of the goalkeeper jersey] at least five days before the Competition Match.If in the opinion of the referee, two Teams have the same or similar colours the away team shall make the change. Should a Team delay the scheduled time of kick-off for a Competition Match by not having a change of colours they will be fined [in accordance with the Fines Tariff] Shirts MUST be numbered, failing which a fine will be levied in accordance with the Fines Tariff.[Note:] Alterations to information printed in the Handbook by any Club or Team must be sent to the Secretary in writing all opponents must be advised of such changes verbally. Failure to comply with this ruling will be deemed misconduct.It is actually an FA regulation under The FA Standard Code of Rules (Youth) Football or SCORY for short for ALL Youth Leagues.All Counties FA's have the same regulations regarding this that are part of Leagues rules (sanctioned by their parent County FA) - that no Club shall wear Black/Dark coloured shirts  (This does include a team’s goalkeeper who cannot wear Black/Dark shirt also).The difference between County FA's, is in regards to referees being allowed to wear coloured shirts or not but even if a County FA agree for their referees to wear a coloured referee shirt, this does not then mean that a Club/Team can wear black as this is a completely separate regulation altogether. The WFL Have adopted to play maximum playing time. ALL matches shall be played as follows.    U7 U8 in the WFL play 20 minutes each way, 1st half 20 minutes followed by half time 2nd half 20 minutes followed by full time.    U9 U10 in the WFL play 25 minutes each way, 1st half 25 minutes followed by half time 2nd half 25 minutes followed by full time.    U11 U12 in the WFL play 30 minutes each way, 1st half 30 minutes followed by half time 2nd half 30 minutes followed by full time.    U13 U14 in the WFL play 35 minutes each way, 1st half 35 minutes followed by half time 2nd half 35 minutes followed by full time.    U15 U16 in the WFL play 40 minutes each way, 1st half 40 minutes followed by half time 2nd half 40 minutes followed by full time.    U18 in the WFL play 45 minutes each way, 1st half 45 minutes followed by half time 2nd half 45 minutes followed by full time.    N.B. Unless a shorter time is mutually agreed by the two Clubs in consultation with the referee prior to the commencement of the Competition Match see minimum playing time, page 19 of the handbook, and in any event, shall be of equal halves. Normally teams would not be changing the playing times unless there was a valid reason to do so. [example of this would be 10am KO one teams players had not all arrived, now the game will KO late and there is another game on the pitch following this game, the teams kicking off late, agree to reduce playing time, so as the game following can KO on time, OR a team is short of players 7v7 one team only has 6 7v6 so managers agree to reduce playing time. OR mid-week game where the light is being reduced depending upon KO time, OR afternoon cup game which might go to extra time and depending upon KO time and light might need to reduce playing time.    The half time interval shall be of 10 minutes’ duration, but it shall not exceed 15 minutes. The half time interval may only be altered with the consent of the Match Officials.    Fixture Secretaries are entitled to schedule “double headers” which shall take the form of two successive games: U12 20 minutes each way. U13 U14 22 and a half minutes each way. U15 U16 25 minutes each way U18 30 minutes each way. There shall be a break of 15 minutes between each game. Referee’s fee, is fee and a half split between both teams. In all WFL Cup Competitions timings are as follows: Normal duration of game. If the score is level at the end of normal time, extra-time will be played U18 15 minutes each way, U16’s 15’s 14’s 13’s 12’s 10 minutes each way. Where the score is level at the end of extra-time penalties will decide 5 penalties to be taken, then sudden death   RETURN of WFL Cups. League Winners, League Cup Winners, Challenge Cup Winners, Supplementary Cup Winners, Sporting Team Winners. Cups, Trophies and Shields MUST be returned between Monday 11th February and Friday 15th February any day 4pm to 8pm, to my home address, they must be engraved and cleaned. .  OK let’s try to make this clear. It is the opening games of the season, the 1st 2nd match where teams try to play players with no ID cards, because they have left it to the last minute to register the player/s and the players ARE NOT registered. So, no card no play 3rd week into the season onwards if a manager has a player there and he is adement the player is registered but he has lost-miss-placed the id card follow the guidance for a team with no cards available at the game, the player without id card must before the game print his name, sign his signature alongside, and include his DOB, in front of your manager, your manager must then send this to me by email or post for it to be checked. A manager would be stupid to claim a player is registered but he has lost-miss-placed the id card, if the player is NOT registered because when the piece of paper is sent in by the opposing manager and checks carried out. He will be found out. If a manager refuses to allow the player to follow these instructions - players full name to be printed, signed by the player who must include his DOB in front of you there is something suspicious and the chances are the player is not registered and the manager is trying to pull a fast one, and does not want to be found out, then you do not permit the player to play, unless to abide by these instructions. A team found to have fielded an un-registered, otherwise in-eligible player will be liable  to be fined £100, points gained in a league game will be deducted from the team in question, in cases of a cup game, the team will be disqualified. If the manager is adamant a player is registered because he has had the ID Card back, but does not have it with him, he PRINTS the name of the player/s present who are going to play, the opposing team manager will then call the player’s out as if doing a card check, the player is to sign his-her signature alongside his-her printed name and include his-her DOB. TO BE DONE PRIOR TO KICK OFF. This then needs to be sent to the Tracy Hudson. So as the players and signatures can be checked against the samples held by the league. Failure to have a WHOLE TEAM’s ID CARDS AVAILABLE, if this is the case the manager of the team without cards needs to PRINT a list of all the names of the player present who are going to play, the opposing team manager will then call the player’s out as if doing a card check, the player is to sign his-her signature alongside his-her printed name and include his-her DOB. TO BE DONE PRIOR TO KICK OFF. This then needs to be sent to the Tracy Hudson. So as the players and signatures can be checked against the samples held by the league.   Failure to have a WHOLE TEAM’s ID CARDS AVAILABLE Failure to have and show your ID Cards at a game carries a FINE [and other disciplinary measures may be taken.]  Please exchange your ID Cards and carry out a card check, it will take 5 minutes prior to kick off. [ALWAYS CARRY A PIECE OF PAPER WITH YOU IN YOUR MEDICAL BAG] Result card which were in your club box collected last week by your club representative and by now should have been passed onto you. if you don’t have them contact your secretary. Are to be filled in accurately with all sections completed in full, and posted to your result card secretary 1st class on the Monday, to reach them by the Wednesday latest after your Sunday game. They should be put into an envelope rather than be posted loose. And sent to your result card secretary as listed below.  U7 Lisa Rees TO BE POSTED ADDRESS ON WEBSITES U8 Tracy Hudson TO BE POSTED ADDRESS ON WEBSITES U9 U10 Dan Lauszkin TO BE POSTED ADDRESS ON WEBSITES WFL Result Cards. Do NOT ask for, Postal Addresses, Phone Numbers, Email Addresses and or D.O.B Asking both home and away teams to confirm the referee name and give him and or her a referees mark is not against GDPR. GDPR is passing on personal date which we have not done, neither we will do.  If there is an issue relating to a game, and the referee is non-league appointed therefore we have no contact details for them, I will email the secretary of the club who supplied the referee and ask, if the named referee can contact me, or if the club supplying the referee asks the referee if it is ok with him and or her for the club to pass there details to me so as I can make contact with them with their permission.  Imagine this, there is an incident and the referee/club who appointed the referee refuses to give the referees name to the opposition manager, who wants to make a complaint to the League, County FA and or FA, football would become anarchy. All we are trying to do is make the game safe for the children involved. I fail to see why a parent, manager and or coach would object to their name being inserted on a result card, unless they were officiating on a regular basis without having the required checks done ???? or is it something more sinister, and they should not be involved in youth football, or youths of a certain age group ??? Speaking not as the Leagues Executive Secretary, but as a mother of 3 and grandmother of 6 and this is only my personal view, I would wonder why someone who officiated as referee at a game of youth football would object to being named as the referee on the result card. If a club appointed referee objects to there name being inserted on the result card, inform your result card secretary, but please make sure the referee has been given a referees mark.  Notes from Phil Sharp. [Phil Sharp | Referee Development Officer Hertfordshire FA] An unregistered referee/coach/parent acting as the match referee has the powers and duties as a registered referee the moment they accept they will referee the match because no appointed registered referee is available.  Although this individual may not have a valid FA CRC check and FA Safeguarding certificate, they are not excluded from being the match referee on these grounds because unlike someone who referees every week they are not having regular influence on young people by refereeing one off matches. But, if a non-registered referee officiates in youth football every week, it could be said that they now are having an influential role with young people and that is not correct if they don’t have the appropriate FA checks in place and that is why the League requires the names of ALL referees supplied on the match report card, so that the League can, if needs be make the appropriate checks with The County FA that referees (whether registered or non-registered) who officiate on a regular basis are appropriate to do so.  The result card sent in must be fully and accurately completed {NO SECTIONS LEFT BLANK] only include players who played in the game. the players you list are the players you are stating played. If you list cup tied players, players under a match ban, de-registered players, transferred players you are listing in-eligible players, you will be fined, if you list a player/s who have not been registered by the league, and a player is only registered when you have their ID Card you have listed an un-registered player/s that have not been registered ahead of the game, you will be fined. THE ONUS IS ON THE PERSON COMPLETEING THE RESULT CARD TO COMPLETE IT CORRECTLY. IF YOU LIST ADDITIONAL PLAYERS AS PLAYING TO WHATS PERMITTED FOR YOUR AGE GROUP YOU ARE STATING THEY PLAYED. YOU WILL BE FINED FOR LISTING OTHERWISE INELIGIBLE PLAYERS. Complete the result card from a fresh each week. . A club awarding a sporting mark of 50 or below to their opponents and or a mark of 60 or below to the referee on the result card must send in to the relevant result card administrator an accompanying letter, countersigned by their Club Secretary explaining why such a low mark has been given. When this refers to a low mark for a referee this letter must be copied to the Referee’s Secretary. Failure to do so will incur a fine [in accordance with the fines tariff]