2014-2015 Season
Watford Friendly League
2 News Items
ALL TEAMS PLAYING IN COUNTY CUP {HOME OR AWAY} YOU STILL NEED TO PHONE YOUR RESULT INTO YOUR FIXTURE SECRETARY AS WELL AS SENDING A TEXT RESULT TO FULL TIME  There seems to be some confusion as to what you put on your result card @ U7 for the 12th 19th 26th October you are all playing in Interdivisional Friendlies so on your result card where it says Competition you put Interdivisional underneath where it says Division – Group- Round you put Friendlies.  From November you will being moved into Named Groups. Where is states competition you will put league underneath where it states Division – Group- Round you would put the name of the group you are in.     Also kick off times, on the sheet provided prior to the start of the season we ask the home team for a designated kick off time, this is then put onto your published fixtures and referee’s where available allocated to these times. It seems teams are going round changing kick off times as it suits them, THIS IS NOT PERMITTED please refer to Rule 10[M] Clubs / Teams may only alter the date of a match; the venue or the kick off time published with the consent of ALL interested parties, namely the opposition, the Referee, the Referee’s Secretary and the relevant Fixture Secretary. If just one party is not in agreement as to the change then the match must kick off on the published date at the time stated.     Correction to Rule 8[L] the last sentence has been deleted. A Club shall keep a list of the players it registers and a record of the games in which they have played, and shall produce such records upon demand by the Management Committee. In the event a Club has more than one team in an age group, each team must be clearly identifiable but not designated ‘A’ or ‘B’ or 1st or 2nd. In such cases, players will be registered for one team only.  ONLY PLAYERS WITH A VALID ID CARD CAN PLAY

Due to the huge number of clubs who still have un-registered teams at ages U9 – U18 these teams should have been registered by the 15th July {and by this I mean not a single player registered} and as it stands unless you get these teams registrations in ASAP to be registered, they may find themselves un-registered for the start of the season, in which case they will be unable to play and their games will be treated as non-fulfilment of fixtures.     The amount of teams who have the bare minimum players registered and in a lot of cases less than the minimum, plus the hundreds of registrations returned because they were not completed correctly, or were returned because new photos were required, and need to be re-submitted.   If you require a player/s in addition to those you have already registered to be registered to play from the start of the season which is Sunday 7th September for U9 – U18 I need their correct, completed registration envelope with return envelope on or before 21st August 2014.   U7 and U8 your season starts Sunday 21st September 2014 If you require a player/s in addition to those you have already registered to be registered to play from the start of the season I need their correct, completed registration envelope with return envelope on or before 7th September 2014.