2013-2014 Season
Watford Friendly League
1 News Item
Trophy return dates will be between Monday 10th February and Friday 14th February between 6 – 9 pm if you prefer a different time during the course of this week please contact me 1stdo not just turn up. Make sure all trophies are cleaned and engraved. Trophies are to be returned to my home address. Amendment to the rule book. The Minimum amount of players to fulfil a 9-A-Side fixture is 6   Mandatory Retreat-Line all age groups playing mini soccer U7 U8 U9 and U10 MUST use the Retreat-Line. On the WFL website under Policies and Rules there are year booklets which can be downloaded. U7/U8 U9/U10 and U11/U12 County Cup {Home or Away} you still need to phone into your fixture secretary the result, as well as sending a text result to Full Time. U9's PLEASE READ THE LETTER ON THE FRONT OF YOUR FIXTURES. RESULTS OR ANYTHING TO DO WITH U9 FIXTURES ARE TO BE EMAILED TO ANN ON THE EMAIL ADDRESS PROVIDED ON THIS LETTER