2010-2011 Season
South London Football Alliance
2 News Items

All Results (STATE DIVISIONS) to be phoned by 6.30pm Saturday - 01 689 898477  to the Press Officer


League Treasurer Required
posted 20th August 2010
The South London Football Alliance requires a  League Treasurer from 2011 – 2012.

The successful applicant should be :

- Enthusiastic about football
- Being Computer literate would be an advantage
- Confident with the delivery of presentations
- Able to represent the League in dealing with a wide range of organisations ranging from The FA, County FA’s, local Leagues and member Clubs

Full training will be given to the applicant during 2011 in readiness for the 2011 – 2012 season.

Please forward your CV and covering letter explaining why you consider yourself suitable for the role to our League Chairman, A.D."Nick" Nicholls , who will be happy to provide information regarding the role. Address: 23 Ash Crescent, Higham, Kent, ME3 7BA


A.D. "Nick" Nicholls, League Chairman

Tel: 01 474 824116