2011-2012 Season
Morden & District Sunday Football League
13 News Items
CHANGE OF DATE FOR LEAGUE AGM & PRESENTATIONS -  Because France are playing England in Euro 2012 on Monday 11th June the League  Presentations & AGM have now been put back a week to Monday 18th June 2012 same time (8pm) and same venue (Sutton Utd FC)

ROLL ON ROLL OFF SUBSTITUTES 2012-13  -    The Football Association is allowing, for a trial period of 2 seasons, Adult Junior Leagues below Step Level 7 (Saturday Intermediate) which includes this League, to use Roll On Roll Off Substitutes.      This League proposes to adopt this Rule for next season,  whereby Teams can use upto 5 from 5 named substitutes in any Match under its jurisdiction.     This is to be discussed and voted on at the League AGM on 18th June 2012. (Note Change of Date of AGM)



 Note Change of Date for the following:-

Monday 18th June 2012 - Presentation of Awards & League AGM @ Sutton Utd FC starting @ 8.00pm

 This is due to France playing England on Monday 11th June at 5pm and Clubs would have had trouble sending reps in time.

 Saturday 30th June 2012 - Last Date for Receipt by Surrey CFA of entry(ies) into Surrey CFA County Cups for 2012-2013.




Application Forms for Membership + Information on League Leaflet

Player's Registration Forms

Match Record Card

Referees' Match Card

Form D56 - Form for notifying County FAs of Match Date Suspensions for players.

These can be found on the Home Page under "Download".



If your match is postponed or cancelled for any reason then please text the information to Steve Morgan on the Results Mobile Number as soon as you hear of the cancellation rather than waiting until the 3.00pm result deadline on Sunday afternoon. This is especially important if the match in question is a County Cup Match because if it gets postponed or cancelled it is automatically re-scheduled for the following Sunday come what may and the fixtures for that day have to be re-arranged accordingly.  


Did you know that, you have to seek International Clearance from The Football Association in advance for any player who has been playing outside of England and wishes to sign and play for you in this League?

The criteria are:-

(a) the player has to be over 12 years old

(b) he has  played football outside of England (note this refers to England not the UK) before coming to England.    It could be an English born player who went abroad and has come back or it could be a "foreigner" who has come to England whether for work or assylum or holiday.

(c) it doesn't  matter what football ability he has.

You have to contact The Football Association direct.



Payment of the above can now be made by either Bank Transfer or Internet Banking.     Details of the League's Bank Account can be obtained from either the League Treasurer (John Rayner) or Fines Secretary (Mary Martin).

The only stipulation to the use of either of these 2 methods of payment is  written (e mail) notice of the details of payment and when made has to be given to both of the 2 League Officers mentioned above.



On the Download Section of the Home Page of this Web Site is a very useful leaflet giving details about the League  which is free to anybody.

Please take time to read it thoroughly.

Surrey FA Courses

Surrey County FA are frequently running courses for all different types of activities (football development, secretary, treasurer, etc) associated with all spheres of football (Youth, Women & Girls, Mini Soccer, Adult 5 a side, Adult 11 a side, etc).


For further information on any of the above subjects please contact direct the Football Development Department, Surrey County FA, Connaught House, Bridge Street, Leatherhead. KT22 8BZ.      Tel: 01372 384 749 or 384 746     E mail: footballdevelopment@surreyfa.com       The Office is open 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday only.



Following the recent FA Charter Standard presentation conducted by the Surrey County FA on Monday 2nd August 2010, please contact Keith Prince a.s.a.p. if your club would like to take part in scheme. The proposed plan of action would be to hold a 3 hour first aid course for all clubs in the Morden and District League. This course would be held at Sutton Utd F.C and would be followed a week later by a workshop for clubs to complete the Charter Standard Application form and submit the relevant support documentation.  This means within two weeks your club will be able to promote themselves as FA Charter Standard and utilise the benefits that this accreditation offers.

The FA Charter Standard Scheme is a fantastic initiative that has proved to be very successful. For more information on FA Charter Standard and to utilise the free downloads please visit http://www.thefa.com/GetIntoFootball/CharterStandard/Club . If you would like to discuss your clubs application in more detail then please contact Oliver Selfe Senior Football Development Officer at the Surrey County FA on 01372 384 744 or by email to oliver.selfe@surreyfa.com .


Chlamydia - Look on the Download Section of the Home Page for this very important Health message that affects young people.

 Or to find out more visit www.checkurself.org.uk


Message from the F.A.: Due to the boom in grassroots and women's football, we are looking for more referees. Should you, or members of your Club, be interested in getting involved and would like more information, we would like to hear from you. Please contact your local Referee Development Officer - Tim Lawrence  07943 848 185 or by e-mail, tim.lawrence@surreyfa.com