2005-2006 Season
Morden & District Sunday Football League
9 News Items
LEUKEMIA CHARITY WALK - Please read following letter. We are contacting a number of newspapers, radio stations and organisations in the hope they will tell their readers, listeners and fan base about the Leukaemia charity walk to the World Cup. John Reeve is walking to the World Cup from the new Wembley stadium, in honour of his son Tim who sadly died in December last year. He is hoping to raise £50,000 in aid of leukaemia research and will be setting out from the new Wembley stadium on May 13th (cup final day) and arriving in Frankfurt for England?s opening game on June 10th.

We at England06 have set up an affiliation with the walk and offered to donate 10% of gross sales from our online merchandise store achieved through the following hyper link www.england06.co.uk/?ref=justgiving. as well as honour all incentives and offers that are available. Our store stocks a fantastic range of official England FA merchandise and fun novelty goods, so we felt it was a great way for people to purchase their products for this years World Cup and support a worth while cause.

Donations can be made directly by clicking on the link at the bottom of the home page at www.england06.co.uk or by visiting www.thetimreevecharitabletrust.org.uk, where there is more information about the walk and a link to the just giving website.

We have already received a great deal of support from the press and radio, but are hoping that people will help inform others through websites, newsletters and forums.

England06 has a number of website banners available, if you would like to arrange a direct link from your website, or you may wish to scan the banner on our home page and set up a link to just giving. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact by return. Please feel free to forward this email to affiliates and contacts.

Kind regards James Gilby England06I


All clubs are reminded that the Morden & District Sunday Football League's Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 22nd May 2006. ALL clubs MUST be in attendance by 7.30pm.

Please also note that the Presentation of trophies for Season 2005-06 will take place immediately BEFORE the A.G.M.

LEUKEMIA CHARITY WALK - Please read following letter.

We are contacting a number of newspapers, radio stations and organisations in the hope they will tell their readers, listeners and fan base about the Leukaemia charity walk to the World Cup. John Reeve is walking to the World Cup from the new Wembley stadium, in honour of his son Tim who sadly died in December last year. He is hoping to raise £50,000 in aid of leukaemia research and will be setting out from the new Wembley stadium on May 13th (cup final day) and arriving in Frankfurt for England?s opening game on June 10th

We at England06 have set up an affiliation with the walk and offered to donate 10% of gross sales from our online merchandise store achieved through the following hyper link www.england06.co.uk/?ref=justgiving. as well as honour all incentives and offers that are available. Our store stocks a fantastic range of official England FA merchandise and fun novelty goods, so we felt it was a great way for people to purchase their products for this years World Cup and support a worth while cause.

Donations can be made directly by clicking on the link at the bottom of the home page at www.england06.co.uk or by visiting www.thetimreevecharitabletrust.org.uk, where there is more information about the walk and a link to the just giving website.

We have already received a great deal of support from the press and radio, but are hoping that people will help inform others through websites, newsletters and forums.

England06 has a number of website banners available, if you would like to arrange a direct link from your website, or you may wish to scan the banner on our home page and set up a link to just giving. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact by return. Please feel free to forward this email to affiliates and contacts.

Kind regards James Gilby England06I

Mike Dillon's new e-mail address
Please notice that Mike's new e-mail address is up and running. It is mikedillon371@btinternet.com. Please delete all Mike's old addresses. You can click on his address in the "Contacts" section and this will enable you to e-mail him directly from there.

Committee Members Handbook Changes
(1) Hon Ref Secretary - Bob Stace's E Mail address is wrong in the Handbook - It should be robert.james777@ntlworld.com .
(2) Hon Team Manager - Adrian Burrowes's Mobile phone number has been changed to 07789 928985.

Club Colours
Message from Ray Ward (Surrey FA)

Dear Secretary, During the last two seasons there has been a proliferation of clubs wearing black or very dark kit that clashes with the traditional black uniform worn by referees. The rules applicable to the wearing of black kits is a nationwide rule imposed by the Football Association for all clubs below the Football League. Such kits are also not permitted under league rules or the rules of this Association. It is acknowledged that these kits are freely available to purchase but we have no control over what kit manufacturers and suppliers make available for sale. The wearing of black kits has caused a number of difficulties. Some referees have refused to play the game whilst some clubs have asked the referee to wear a different coloured top. Under FA Rule and Surrey County FA rule, referees are obliged to wear the traditional black kit ?colours such as green and yellow are only for use by those referees at the very top level including UEFA & FIFA. Other team kit colours including dark purple, navy blue and dark green can also cause problems and these are also prohibited under rule if they clash with the referee. The Association has remained vigilant and tried to adopt a softly softly approach with no action taken against clubs, acknowledging that football kits form a large part of a club?s expenditure. However, as the problem has escalated and is unlikely to abate, a decision has been taken that with effect from season 2006/2007 the Association will adopt a zero tolerance policy, the result of which will mean that such kits will not be permitted under any circumstances. In the meantime, if your club has such a kit, then for the coming season it remains at the referee?s discretion if it can be worn. The referee, however, will not be expected to change his shirt from black. We feel that by giving a years ?grace?, clubs will be able to comply without being financially penalised. One reasonably inexpensive option to avoid games being postponed is lighter colour shorts and/or socks; something that breaks up the overall effect of a dark strip. The dark shorts and socks can then be utilised in future seasons with a light shirt colour.

Surrey FA Fines

The fine under SCFA Rule L3 for late or non-return of correspondence is to increase as from 1st July 2005 from £10.00 to £20.00. This is to bring the fine in line with the fines imposed by CAS. As a rule, all fines should carry an £8.00 administration charge.

Leage Council Meetings
The next meeting for which ALL Clubs have to be represented is the League AGM:-
Monday 22nd May 2006 at 8.00pm at Sutton Utd FC

Friendlies Wanted
Walthamstowe Avenue Vets are looking for friendlies against good class opposition. They have won the London Vets Cup three years running and also a national Vets Cup. They play in East London but would be happy to travel. Please contact Paul Williams e-mail: WILLOSPYDER@aol.com . Phone contact and more information on them can be found on their web site: www.wapv2000.com
Park Lane Vets would appreciate friendlies against any of our Vets teams. They would like to join the League if any vacancies occur. Their home pitch is Old Reigations Rugby Club in Reigate but would be willing to travel. Please contact Secretary Richard Plumb on 07958 596960
Merton Vets are looking for friendlies throughout the season with a view to possibly joining us next season. He may have pitches available at their ground at Joseph Hood, Martin Way, Morden. Please contact Jean-Marc Rougeon Mob 07952 305180 or Home 020 8677 4172.