2008-2009 Season
Chiltern Youth League
9 News Items

ATTENTION ALL CLUBS. Can we remind you that fixtures can be ADDED or CHANGED by the league up until 9.00pm of the Tuesday preceeding the Sunday.

Clubs who do not fulfill there fixture will be referred to committee.

This means that if your team does not appear on the fixture list you cannot take for granted there is no fixture untill 9.00pm. n the Tuesday

If you require a Free week, then you should use one of your free weeks allowed to all teams(3 off). Complete the form fully and send to the relevant match secretary with a SAE.



League Cup Finals

League Cup Final News

Last Wednesday saw the first of this season's finals when the under 17's took took centre stage at Ampthill Town FC.

Harlington v Ampthill was a close encounter with Harlington coming out on top with a late winner taking the game 2-1.

There was also a good crowd in to see the action with the attendance estimated at 200.

Well done Harlington.

This Wednesday (20th) the Under 18's take there turn @ Bedford FC.

Woburn Lions v Crawley Green

Come along and watch what should be a very good game of football

Kick off 7.45pm.

REFEREE CONTACT NUMBERS. Please do not contact the referee secretary for contact numbers for referees. All club secretaries have recently been issued with updated lists. This should be your first point of contact to find this information.
League Cups

League Cups

All club Secretary's were asked to let me know if there respected teams wished to continue in the League cup's 14's, 15's, 16's, 17's, and 18's and a copy of the draw was sent for all PM games.

If you intend to withdraw please let me know  or alternativley the date of the arranged fixture between the two clubs. Once a round is completed I can organise the next round draw. Remember when trying to find a date you will need a pitch as well, which may mean switching the fixture or finding a pitch, if I cannot find one.

Please remember league fixtures take priority.

We will be playing till the end of MAY but the earlier we can get to some finals the better.

I need your help so contact your club secretary for more information.

You may forfiet cup fixtures with out a fine incurred.


Respect Barriers

Respect Barriers

As you are aware the Chiltern Youth League signed up to the FA's Respect campaign and have been issuing to clubs over the last few weeks there barrier sets.

We had hoped that from the 1st March all clubs would be in possesion of there barriers but due to the recent bad weather not all clubs were able to collect them.

We have arranged another collection night for the 6th March so all clubs should be using the barriers from Sunday the 8th March.

Remember the barrier is to be placed down one side of the pitch only, for  ALL spectators from both sides to stand behind and watch the game.

Managers/coaches should then stand on the other side of the pitch away from the spectators to manage there teams.

Remember if we respect the players from both teams and let the referee control the game then we as adults will all be able to enjoy our football.

19-11-08 Training on pitches

Once again the league have been contacted by the council with concerns about teams training on council pitches.

As stated before clubs should NOT be training on pitches especially if they do not play on the pitch involved.

We have had two incidents recently which have left the pitch unplayable after heavy rain overnight following it being used for training.

All clubs that play on council pitches should be aware that if this continues clubs will lose the right to use council facillities.

The councils in Bedford, Luton and Dunstable will be making unannounced cheks over the coming weeks.

You have been warned

On behalf of the league

Tony Gee





As you may be aware Mick Everitt has been the league's treasurer for the past few years(well, actually quite a few) has decided to stand down at the end of the current season.

So we are on the look out for a suitable replacement.

Mick is willing to advise for a period of time so that the transition is painless.

Anybody who feels they may be interested in this role should contact the league's General Secretary, Jane Brown expressing there interest.


New Address

Important Notice..............

Please note address for PM Match and Referee Secretary.

6 Yew Street

Houghton Regis




SEASON 2008/9