Jeff Nardin & Combination Cup
Round 2
Feltham Town Heston
Saturday, 02 November 2024
Good Morning Heston,
I have been sent multiple pictures and videos by Feltham town from your recent cup game in the Jeff Nardin and combination cup.
From the footage you fielded at least 4 ineligible players who were not the player you listed on the team sheet.
The players were
GK Parris Mason
6 Zakaria Mounes
13 Amman Malik
17 Joseph Hayfron
As such the match has been awarded and your bet by fined 4 x breaching rule 18 M fielding an ineligible player with each fine being £100.
You have the right to appeal and this must be lodged within 7 days of receipt of this email.
Antony Cox
Discipline Secretary