United Counties Football League
2009-2010 Season

Premier Division

Desborough Town  1    Boston Town  3

Saturday, 06 February 2010

Desborough's plight at the foot of the table worsened as Jon Rowan's first half hat trick won the contest for the Poachers.

It started well enough for Ar Tarn who took a third minute lead through Lee Thomson's header from a corner, but Rowan equalised nineteen minutes in, risig above the home defence to head in Paul Goodhand's flag kick.

Further Rowan goals after 25 and 34 minutes settled the game in the visitors' favour. His second goal rounded off fine approach work by Mark Foster, Matt Price and Gary Bull and his hat trick effort a carbon copy of his first, a header from Goodhand's corner.

The woodwork denied Ollie Pinner a further Poachers goal late in the match. 

Desborough: Tom Smith, Darren Capps, Nathan Mitchell (James Ryan), Andre Jackson, Mick Brookes, Nick Grant, Danny Rogers, Dan Kitching, Lee Thomson, Greig McIlwain (Mick Tolton), David Glass. 

Boston: Nick Conroy, Lawrence Lambley, Matt Price, Ben Brown, Matt Hocking, Mark Foster, Shaun Baker (Anthony Slater), Paul Goodhand, Ollie Pinner (Liam Ogden), Gary Bull, Jon Rowan.