United Counties Football League
2005-2006 Season
Division One

Higham Town  0    Olney Town  4

Saturday, 24 September 2005

Olney's fourth win in six games equalled last season's 34 match tally of victories and left the Nurserymen third in the league table. They took 52 minutes to gain the initiative, thanks to Sam Callear's penalty, and then front runner Richard Beardshaw grabbed centre stage, with a hat trick which took him to the top of the divisional scorecharts with eight goals for the season. Beardshaw scored his first goal after 62 minutes before virtually ending the match as a contest with his second twelve minutes from time. With 83 minutes played the Olney marksman completed his hat trick.
Higham: Jack Pinnock, Tim Drage, John McLeod, Stuart Abrahart, James Freeman, Dale Brunton, Phil Nichols, Dave Hiscock (Karl King), Dave Kew, Ryan Shave, Andy Munday (Wayne Munro).
Olney: Chris Allison, Tim Mason (Matthew James), Adam Lothian, Guy Stewart, Jamie Harris, Nick Beevis (Steve Kenchington), Scott Wrighting, Danny Norris, Danny Atkins (Peter Latham), Richard Beardshaw, Sam Callear.
Attendance: 43.