Oxfordshire Senior Football League
2013-2014 Season

Premier Division

Marston Saints  3    Stonesfield  2

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Marston: Josh Mulvany (2), Sam Curtin,

Stonesfield: Nick Higgs, Mike Phipps   

Marston Saints secured only their 2nd league win of the season with a well-deserved  3-2 win against Stonesfield.

Saints got off to a flying start after 5 mins when Josh Mulvany lobbed the keeper with a cool finish.The lead did not

last long as Stonesfield where soon back on level terms when Nick Higgs slotted home from a great piece of passing football.Midway through the half right back Sam Curtin fired the Saints back in front with  a unstoppable drive from 25 yards out.

The 2nd half saw saints miss a couple of great chances to increase their lead and they were made to pay for this with 10 mins to go when Stonesfield where awarded a clear penalty which Mike Phipps scored from.It looked like Marston had thrown away another 3 points but with time running out they were awarded a free kick on the edge of the Stonesfield area.Josh Mulvany stepped up to curl the ball over the Stonesfied wall and although the keeper got his hand to it he could not prevent it from going in to give the Saints a moral boosting win