Oxfordshire Senior Football League
2013-2014 Season

Premier Division

Freeland  1    Bletchingdon  0

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Freeland: ?? Dunmall
 It was Freeland who went in to this match full of confidence. The home side were looking to make it 7 games unbeaten in the league and had the chance to do the double over Bletch and move into 3rd position.  

The first half was incredibly stop-start with both sides working hard to shut their opponents down and denying any chances. The goalkeepers were rarely tested  but when called upon both of their handling was faultless. There were lots of breaks in play for fouls and neither side could get going on a bobbly pitch. 0-0 was the score at half time, in a half where Bletch were quicker to the ball and perhaps just shaded.
Freeland knew they needed to improve and in the second half they did just that. Finally passages of passing took place, Bishop impressed on debut and Freeland started to get control of the game. Bletch were still offering a threat but where kept at bay by the ever reliable Freeland defence.
It was looking like drifting to a disappointing 0-0, which never side could have complained about until Freeland grabbed the winner with 5 minutes to go. It was substitute Dunmall who was first to react to a loose back pass from the Bletch frontman, and he rounded the keeper to slot home. Freeland were delighted to hear the full time whistle as they claimed the three points. It was far from pretty and was a win built on hard work rather than attacking football. Good luck to Bletch for the rest of the season. The game was excellently refereed by Graham Norris.