Oxfordshire Senior Football League
2013-2014 Season

Premier Division

Horspath  2    Marston Saints  1

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Horspath:  Paul Cooper,  Elliott O Brien
Marston:  Tom Payne
Horspath gained the points against local rivals Marston in a  game that had everything. Marston started much the better team and went ahead when Tom Payne broke clear and scored to put them 1up. This fired Horspath up and on the half hour they equalized when Paul cooper pounced on a defensive mix up to score from 12yards out.
Half time 1-1
The second half was only 5 mins old when Craig piston put Elliott O Brien through on goal and he made no mistake to put Horspath 2-1 up. The next 15 minutes saw Horspath create 4 more great chances  with piston causing havoc among Marstons back 4. The chances all were squandered and Marstons cause was not helped when Jake cooper was sent off with 20 minutes left. This seemed to lift the saints and final 10 mins was played in Horspaths half but the home side held on for 3 vital points.