Oxfordshire Senior Football League
2013-2014 Season

Premier Division

OUP  3    Bletchingdon  1

Saturday, 02 November 2013

Jimmy Gray, Neil Lockhart, Jonny Roberts
Bletch: Danny Bone
For the 3rd time in 6 weeks Bletchingdon travelled to OUP looking to avenge a home draw and a Cup defeat. Within 30 seconds the OUP defence were left stranded in the Blechingdon half as a lofted clearance dropped to Benjani. After a neat interchange, Danny Bone sidefooted in past a helpless OUP keeper.
Playing with the strong wind, OUP had several accurate shots saved by Nick Lacey and the woodwork but after 35 minutes Jimmy Gray drove in a fierce low shot from an acute angle. The speed of the ball had the Blechingdon keeper well beaten at his far post.
The wind increased for the 2nd half. For 20 minutes the game was deadlocked until an innocuous but clumsy tackle from a Blechingdon defender allowed Neil Lockhart the chance to score from the spot.
Blechingdon tried hard to raise their game and soon  an equally clumsy challenge saw them awarded a penalty. However, their chance to equalise was foiled by a fine save low to his left by Chris Hickin. With Blechingdons hopes all but dashed, Jonny Roberts came on as a impact substitute for OUP. From a teasing corner kick Jonny smashed the ball into the roof of the net to settle the  match and give OUP a well fought win in difficult blustery conditions.