Oxfordshire Senior Football League
2012-2013 Season

Division 1

Oakley  8    Kidlington OB  1

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Oakley: Shayne Almond (2), Aaron Rogers (5), Alex Woodfine
Kid: Daniel Jones
Oakley Utd welcomed Kidlington on Saturday just 3 days after beating them 2-1 away from home, and with the chance of securing the division one title. Oakley were back at full strength and it showed as from kick off they dominated Kidlington and served up some great football, worthy of being champions elect. The football was crisp and fast paced as Oakley carved Kidlington open time and time again with Rogers and Almond combining well, and it wasn't long before the goals started to flow and allow everyone to relax and enjoy the game in glorious rain. Woodfire, Almond, Rogers all got on the score sheet early with the pick of the goals being a masterpiece between Rogers and Almond, including a deft backheel and a cool finish to leave Oakley 4-0 up at half time.

Second half and it was more of the same as Rogers who was in impressive form ending up with 5 goals and Almond adding another, Kidlington to there credit never giving up and got there reward with a goal late on. Final score 8-1 and Oakley are finally champions after being pushed all the way by Chalgrove, It was a hard fought league and credit goes to all the teams for making it such an enjoyable season.
Oakley travel to Watlington on Wednesday with the targets of an unbeaten season and 100+ goals still within sight.