Oxfordshire Senior Football League
2012-2013 Season
Premier Division

Kennington  6    Horspath  0

Saturday, 03 November 2012

Kennington: Nick Giles (3), Rob Andrew, Zaid Omar, Sam Byrne Kennington recorded their first home victory of the season with an emphatic 6-0 hammering of struggling Horspath at Playfield Road. The game got off to a scrappy start with both sides struggling to maintain possession. With ten minutes on the clock the first effort on goal came from the home side when Ben Quinn shot wide of the left hand post six yards out after he met a cross in from the right flank. This was to spur the Yellows on and on twenty minutes they went close again when from a right sided corner Rob Cattell powered in a header which was cleared off the line. Kennington weren’t to be denied and all their attacking play was rewarded on twenty four minutes when after some trickery down the left from Zaid Omar beating two his shot come cross floated into the far corner of the net from the angle of the box. Horspath bounced back on twenty six minutes when a fine shot from the edge of the box forced Nick Hill to get down low to his right to tip the ball around the post for a corner. On thirty six minutes Kennington doubled their lead when after defending a corner they broke away with neat one touch passing for Rob Andrew to lay the ball into the path of Sam Byrne who ran through on goal an curled the ball around the keeper from twelve yards. The home side were now in total control and on forty one minutes they made it 3-0 when Rob Andrew was played through with a pass that split a square back four to move in on goal and finish with ease. The Yellows weren’t finished and on the stroke of half time they made it 4-0 when Rob Cattell played a long ball from the back over the top of the away defence for Nick Giles to run on and lob the keeper to cap an outstanding first half performance from the Yellows. The first half was always going to be a hard act to follow and so it proved, although Kennington never gave up control of the game Horspath came out with more determination after the break. On fifty two minutes the home side nearly made it five when Andrews diving header from a right sided cross struck the right hand post. Horspath nearly scored themselves on sixty five minutes when a shot came in from the edge of the box again Hill in the home goal was equal to it tipping the ball onto the left hand post and picked up the rebound. Kennington made it 5-0 on seventy two minutes when Giles scored his second of the afternoon with a well taken shot from twenty five yards giving the keeper no chance with a powerful strike. Kennington completed the scoring on seventy five minutes when Nick Giles was put through on goal to finish coolly to make it 6-0 and record a hatrick for himself. The Yellows could have made double figures such was their dominance but they were guilty of missing a few good chances most notably Rob Andrews heading over an open goal from three yards after Giles chip had rebounded off the bar. A fine performance from Kennington produced their biggest win since they have been back in the premiere league.