Oxfordshire Senior Football League
2012-2013 Season
Oxfordshire FA - Senior Cup
Round 1

Stonesfield  2    Mansfield Rd  4

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Stonesfield: Nick Higgs, Michael Phipps Mansfield: Soufian Kessabi 2, Louis McGillykuddy, Adam Harewood With both teams looking for a decent run in this competition; both sets of fans went home happy as they witnessed a thriller which in truth should have been 8-8! The home side as always started sluggishly and it took a close range effort from Soufian Kessabi to put the visitors 1-0 after 20 minutes and kick start them into life. Chances came and went as Stoney began to improve and play there footballing game that the fans are becoming accustomed too. HT 0-1 The second half exploded into life as 90 seconds after the restart, a hopeful long ball saw Kessabi run onto it and double the visitors lead. From this point Stoney woke up and began to dominate possession. Eventually and after several missed chances, Nick Higgs (super sub) headed home a Morris free kick with 25 minutes remaining. Sadly this enthusiasm was short lived as another poor defensive passage of play ended with Louis McGillykuddy cooly slotting home. 3-1 became 4-1 soon after as Adam Harewood continued his run and nipped in to poke home from 6 yards. A spirited Stoney huffed and puffed and again chances went begging in search of the unlikeliest of comebacks. Michael Phipps scored from the penalty spot for the 3rd game in a row to reduce the arrears but it was too little too late. FT 2-4. A game in which Stoney were the better team but were wasteful in front of goal. Good luck to Mansfield in the next round.