Oxfordshire Senior Football League
2012-2013 Season

Premier Division

Garsington  2    Freeland  1

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Garsington: Shaun Augustine, Eron De Santos

Freeland - No Known

Garsington kept up a run of 5 games unbeaten by beating Freeland 2-1. To be fair to Freeland where much the better side in the first half.
Garsington still managed to to score against the run of play when Joe Cook's cross came of the back of Shaun Augustine's head and into the back of the net to finish the first half 1 nil up.
Garsington edged the second half after Freeland managed to equalise, Garsington then started to create more chance before the moment of the game when Eron De Santos scored a wonder lob from 30 yards to give the home side all 3 points.