Oxfordshire Senior Football League
2012-2013 Season

Division 1

Oakley  7    Watlington  1

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Oakley: Nick Gurney, James Keeble (3), Chris Davies (3)
Wat: Jim Oliver

Oakley United continued their impressive start to the season with a emphatic victory over Watlington Town. Nick Gurney opened the scoring in the 11th minute with a thunderous 30yard volley that nearly took the net off of the back of the goal much to the delight of the tea slurping home fans!  Oakley skipper James Keeble scored 5 minutes later to shell shock Watlington and went on to complete his hatrick in the 1st half with some cool finishing.
Half Time 4-0
The second half started brightly with Oakley creating more chances mainly through great link up play between the prolific Chris Davies, Alex Woodfire and Aaron Rogers. It wasnt long before Chris Davies found the net finishing off from an acute angle. Watlington did score from a harshly giving penalty after veteran defender Ben Lazaruk was ajudged to have fouled in the box, Jim Oliver stepped up and sent Matt Pay the wrong way. The prolific Davies completed his hatrick with two good finishes to take the final score to 7-1.