Oxfordshire Senior Football League
2012-2013 Season

Division 1

Kidlington OB  3    Watlington  2

Saturday, 15 September 2012

KOBs: Kristian Thomas (2), Billy Truby,
Wat: Julian Pitts, Ceri Saunders
First half was a hard battled half with both teams going in at half time equal at 0-0.
 Watlingtons Julian Pitts scored first to put Watlington ahead but Old Boys answered straight back from kick off after Craig Ellis set Andy Jeffs cross for Kristian Thomas to head in an equaliser at the back post. Ceri Saunders broke down the left wing getting past the first Old Boys defender an tryin to squeeze a shot off, lucky for him it deflected of a second Old Boys defender and snuck in past the keeper to put them 2-1 up.  Old Boys sub Billy Truby freshly back from Las Vegas was clattered over by Will Jaycock in Watlingtons box and win himself a penalty. Feeling confident after a few wins in Vegas Billy stepped up an placed home the pen put Old Boys equal again. Old Boys kept pushing with their classic can do attitude. Kristian Thomas and Billy Truby linked up with a 1 2 on the right side of the pitch, Kristian picked up the ball an burst into the box and with that wand of a right foot picked out the far bottom corner and sent old Boys ahead for the win.