Oxfordshire Senior Football League
2012-2013 Season

Division 1

Enstone  1    Kidlington OB  4

Saturday, 01 September 2012

Enstone Sports 1 Dean Blake
Kidlington OB 4 Dave Wise, Kristian Thomas 2, Chris Wise
Enstone started the new season in disappointing fashion going down to a 4-1 home defeat at the hands of the Old Boys
Enstone dominated the early proceedings and should have established a lead after the opening 20-25 minutes
This was not forthcoming and against the run of play Kidlington took the lead through a 25 yard screamer from C Wise and this seemed to galvanise the visitors and ebb away the confidence of the homeside 0-1 ht
The second half brought further pain for Enstone as Kidlingtton ran away with the game and added to their lead through K Thomas 0-2
Blake brought Enstone back into the game with a 20 yard chip into the far corner but straight from the re-start the visitors restored their to goal cushion through Thomas once more for 1-3 and they followed this up with a fourth from D Wise
Final score 1-4