Oxfordshire Senior Football League
2008-2009 Season
Division 2

Mansfield Rd  0    Slade Farm  2

Saturday, 06 December 2008

Mansfield Road were looking for the opportunity to close the gap on Division 2 leaders Slade Farm, and avenge the 4-0 defeat they suffered earlier in the season.  However it was Slade Farm who took the ascendancy early on in the game, dominating play in the first half hour.  Slade Farm had already squandered a number of good opportunities before they finally made the breakthrough after 20 minutes, with Matty Gardner receiving a knock-down 25 yards out, taking one touch out of his feet before curling a fine left-foot shot in to the top-left corner of the Mansfield Road goal.  This goal sparked Mansfield Road in to life, and they began to come back in to the game and finishing the remainder of the first half as the stronger team without creating too many clear-cut chance to score. 

The second half continued in a similar vain, with Mansfield Road enjoying the majority of possession and territory, and Slade Farm looking dangerous on the counter attack.  Mansfield Road managed to create a couple of good opportunities, with Luis McGillycuddy screwing an angled shot across the face of the Slade Farm goal, and Steve West almost getting on the end of a scramble in the Slade Farm 6-yard box following a corner but they were unable to convert their chances.  The game was killed off as a contest however in the 85th minute, when Matthew Blenford made it 2-0 when he managed to beat the offside trap and get on the end of a fine through ball, before rounding Stuart Whigham in the Mansfield Road goal and squeezing the ball home from an acute angle, beating the despairing effort of Tommy Allen on the line to prevent the goal.