Oxfordshire Senior Football League
2008-2009 Season
Premier Division

OUP  2    Bletchingdon  4

Saturday, 29 November 2008

In a game that had everything goals disallowed, Penalty's not given, this madea great afternoon spectacle for the neutral it took  Bletch 34 mins to find the net when Steve Litten hit his  1st of 3 goals sending Bletch 1-0 up at half time
Within 1 min of the restart Bletch added a 2nd when Todd parker Hinks headed home Bletch's 2nd, Only for Matty Cooper to pull a goal back for OUP. 2 mins later Steve Litten added his 2nd after a mix up in the press defence. Steve added his 3rd when a quick free kick on the edge of the area was tapped in while OUP were still trying to sort out how to defend the free kick. Dave Carter got a consolation goal for OUP but it was too little too late.