Cherry Red Books Middlesex County Football League
2018-2019 Season

The Jim Rogers President's Division One Cup
Quarter Final

Clapton Community  1    London Samurai  1

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Match Details: Participating For Football Samurai against F.C. Roast First on 26/01/2019 in Middlesex County Football League
Offence Details: E12 - (Club) Failure to comply with decision of the Association
Sanction Details: Proven: Severely warned as to future conduct
Fined: £95.00
Notes: Football Samurai are hereby charged for a breach of FA Rule E12 (Club) - Failed to comply with a decision of the
Association. Mr. Andar was suspended from All Football on 13/09/2018 for failure to pay football debt. It is alleged, as
per the attached Match Return Cards, that Mr. Andar played on 15/12/2018, 12/01/2019, 19/01/2019 and 26/01/2019,
therefore the Club are charged with playing a player whilst suspended.
The evidence pack used in support of the charge is attached.
Should the case be found proven, the Commission will decide if the case is low, medium or high level and the following
Sanction Guideline from The FA will be used to decide the sanction: Middlesex FA - Case 9753071M