Cherry Red Books Middlesex County Football League
2008-2009 Season
Division One (Central and East)

FC Team  1    Copland  8

Saturday, 07 March 2009


After the hard exploits of the previous week Copland managed to start things with a bang. As soon as the whistle was blown the football displayed was at a different level. Great control accompanied with intelligent use of the options available led to numerous chances being created.

 After a sustained period of pressure a corner was won on the left hand side. Following a perfect delivery from Aaron Silcott Anton Anderson climbed high above his marker to head the ball back across goal leaving the keeper and defenders no chance. For the second goal which also came from a corner Anton latched onto a loose ball after the FC Team keeper had made two good saves to sneak the ball into the near corner of the goal.


The third goal involved some excellent midfield play between Ricci Roberts and Aaron Silcott with the ball being played through for Juvhan Kellar to run on to it before coolly slotting the ball past the keeper. Following a defensive mix up FC Team took advantage to reduce the deficit to 3-1. However, things did not remain like that for long as Darren Turner expertly controlled a ball played into him from Jermaine Dadson played into him from the left wing. As Darren controlled the ball on his chest he then smashed the ball into the far corner. The fifth goal arrived after some desperate defending in the FC Team box which failed to clear the ball. As Aaron flicked the ball between two defenders he was prevented from following through. No matter as Juvhan Kellar finished things off!

 After half time FC Team were by far the better team without creating any clear cut chances. Unfortunately for Aled Darlington, who was making his debut in goal following two good saves landed awakedly on his left shoulder preventing him from taking any further part. Juvhan Kellar took the gloves which meant that Andre Anderson made his debut replacing him in midfield.

 The other substitute Meljord Simpson (Rox) brought some much needed focus to theteam, both with his skilful play and willingness to defend from the front. A pass from Anton Anderson, Rox turned in the area and played a lovely curling shot past the keeper into the far corner. A goal on his debut! The goal also provided the impetus for the rest of the team and Darren Turner smashed the ball over the keepers head from thirty yards! The final goal came courtesy of Darren Turner who played a deep cross to the far post for man of the match Anton Anderson to again rise above his marker to head home.