UHLSPORT Hellenic League
2002-2003 Season
Division One (East)

Binfield  5    Martin Baker Sports  0

Saturday, 21 December 2002

Binfield started the Christmas celebrations early, curing the hangover from last week?s dismal display with a five-goal demolition of lowly Martin Baker Sports at Stubbs Lane.

John Smith (aka Diego Forlan) had an early present from Santa, with two goals breaking his recent scoring drought. Mick Havermans maintained his better-than-a-goal-a-game record with another brace and skipper, Mark Baker, was also on target.

Damp, mist and drizzle greeted both teams for this first instalment of the hectic festive programme. The ?Moles? started brightly, attempting to put recent lacklustre displays behind them, moving the ball quickly on the sticky surface. Attacking down both flanks an early goal looked likely and arrived after eight minutes. An over-enthusiastic back-pass put Baker?s keeper in trouble and his sliced clearance gave the home side a corner. Withers kick was flicked on at the near post and Mark Baker arrived to loop a header over the despairing keeper. The despair was due more to Havermans? clever nudge on the visiting no.1, preventing him from getting off the ground. Players and spectators all saw it, but the officials did not and the goal stood. The expected goal-rush failed to materialise, however, as good approach play foundered on a poor final ball and Havermans, especially, was becoming increasingly frustrated at the lack of delivery to feed his predatory prowess. Martin Baker began to claw their way into the game with Sampson on the right causing problems with his pace. The youngster, sadly for the visitors, did have a habit of running down blind alleys, much to the home defence relief, averting the danger on many occasions. Despite a good share of possession, ?Bakers? rarely troubled Strong in the home goal. One close range header, taken smartly low to his right, being his only save of note. On the stroke of half-time Binfield came closest to increasing their advantage. Once again it was a corner on the left and Baker met the cross with a powerful header that looked goal bound, but produced a brilliant save just under the angle of bar and post.

Half Time: 1-0.

The game did have goals in store however, and, like buses, they came in twos. The opening ten minutes of the second period had been dour stuff, until suddenly, on 56 minutes, Binfield produced a flowing move home fans know they are capable of. Kellaway brought the ball clear from defence on the left, passing to Havermans? feet. The striker?s first-time lay-off was exquisite to set Morgan-Jones free, marauding down the left wing. The full back?s cross was deep to the far post, where Withers managed to prevent it going out for a goal kick. Withers first time cross was headed down by Havermans to his strike partner, John Smith, who drove a firm left-foot half-volley high into the net from twelve yards. ??Ave it!? Two minutes later the third goal arrived. Once again it was a lovely passage of passing football that carved the visitors apart like a succulent turkey. Jason Day brought the ball out from the back, finding Withers to Hume and back to Withers on the overlap. The young midfielder?s early cross again found Havermans? head in the box and his knockdown saw Smith despatch another left-foot strike falling away to his left under challenge.Binfield now smelled blood and Keough was replaced by Kris Day after 64 minutes. Day?s first involvement almost produced a fourth goal, but his snapshot flew narrowly wide. Smith was feeling a hamstring twinge, so was replaced by Goodey with twenty minutes remaining, depriving the revitalised striker his hat-trick opportunity. Urged on by manager, Duggleby, the ?Moles? pressed on in the last fifteen in search of more goals. Hume went close from Kellaway?s pass on 76, but the fourth goal did arrive on 78 minutes. Once again it was home skipper Mark Baker causing problems in the air for the visitors. This time his soaring header cannoned back off the crossbar. The alert Havermans, not to be outdone in the goal-scoring stakes, pounces on loose balls like a hawk, so no surprise that he was first to react to knock home the rebound from close range. A minute later and it was five. Morgan-Jones went clear on the left but his early ball releasing Havermans was not the best. The veteran striker never gives up lost causes though and his lunging block-tackle on the keeper?s attempted clearance brought fine reward as the ball flew like an arrow into the heart of the net. Still time for Harris to crash a fierce left-foot drive off the post in the murky closing stages as the ?Moles? looked to boost their goal-difference.

A great start to the holidays was made better by news of the Reserves impressive 4-0 away win at Hounslow. Club spirits high then as Binfield await the noon showdown with local rivals, Holyport, at Stubbs Lane on Boxing Day.