Kent Blaxill Essex & Suffolk Border Football League
2010-2011 Season

Premier Division

Holland FC  0    Brightlingsea Regent  1

Saturday, 21 May 2011


Match Report
Holland FC vs Brightlingsea Regent
“Brightlingsea Regent Grind Out Championship Success”
A 65th minute goal was enough to give Brightlingsea Regent a hard earned victory that saw them take the Premier Division Title in front of a large audience by the sea-side. In glorious weather the visitors needed a meagre one point from their remaining two games to take the Cup from the long time leaders Gas Recreation.
The game started in a scrappy fashion that set the tone for an enthralling battle.  A particularly feisty first half required Referee, Mr Steve Woods to exercise his skill and common sense in abundance. There had been plenty of pre match hype during the week and the game drew a large number of ground hoppers from far afield to swell the numbers.
It was a frenetic opening with an early free kick from the visitor’s going just wide whilst the home side’s Ross Thorogood dispatched a teasing free kick into the six yard box that was headed clear by Jake Gould. Moments later “Regent’s” top scorer Terry Rymer nearly connected with keeper Daniel Beeson’s long clearance in the home penalty area. Holland were enjoying plenty of possession and Beeson had to be quick off his line to deny the pace of the oncoming Vinny Kelly. Indeed the quicksilver Kelly was through on goal again but it took a tremendous tackle to dispossess the forward at the expense of a corner.
Holland forced successive corners and from the second Joe Martin headed over. During this opening spell the visitor’s were struggling to find any cohesion and looked tense against a lively home side who looked intent on spoiling the party. There were plenty of free kicks but from open play the home side created a good opportunity when Louise Newland split the defence releasing Thorogood to race down the left channel and driving into the box, rifled a shot but keeper Beeson made a point blank save for a corner. Holland were winning most of the mid field balls, however, Rymer had a half chance but was wayward with his shot.
When the visitor’s did threaten it was soon apparent that the central pairing of Joe Martin and Blake Panrucker were a dominant force clearing up both on the ground and in the air whilst at the other end Vinny Kelly and Louis Newland were causing all manner of problems with their link play and movement. Brightlingsea won their first corner on 22 minutes but systematic of their play saw Phil Kelly send into touch at the near post. The referee had a word with visiting defender Jake Holman following a tackle on Thorogood. Rymer then struck a free kick into the wall and Panrucker was yellow carded.
Following another incident Rymer drove another free kick from the left that brought a good full length save from home keeper Russell Lamb as he palmed away to safety. Mr Woods then sensibly spoke to both captains after a feisty opening 28 minutes. Brightlingsea then visibly picked up their game somewhat and went close when Phil Kelley ran from midfield before releasing the ball in the box picking out Luke Hughes who lightly touched the ball over the oncoming Lamb but to the keeper’s relief the ball struck the top side of the bar and was cleared. There were claims for a penalty from the visitor’s in the midst of this piece of goal mouth action but correctly the Referee waved the appeals away.  
The home side then had a glorious chance to take the lead when Vinny Kelly went through on goal but as Beeson raced from his line the forward struck the ball against the keeper and the ricochet propelled the ball in the air and beyond the stranded keeper chased by Kelly but he misjudged the bounce two yards from the line in front of goal and the loose ball was scrambled away. Still under some pressure visiting skipper Warren Joseph showed a cool head when towards his own goal and besieged by Kelly he managed to skilfully head the ball back to the keeper.
Brightlingsea escaped again when the usually calm and collected Warren under-hit a back pass from the right full back position enabling Thorogood to intercept from the committed Beeson.  He moved into a good position but he drove beyond the far post when better passing options were available and the chance went begging. Kelly then had a shot blocked that concluded a scrappy opening half that none the less was not without excitement and commitment.       
Half Time:   Holland FC   0 - 0   Brightlingsea Regent.
There was an explosive start to the second period. Home skipper Daryl Heffer planted a superb diagonal free kick just inside his own half on the right that went beyond the defence and striding in was Ross Thorogood who powerfully struck a magnificent left foot volley that flew past the keeper but crashed against the woodwork. The visitor’s then had a great chance to ease their tension when Liam Morley released Ritchie Meadows down the right who crossed to the near post finding Terry Rymer who really should have made no mistake from close range.
As Brightlingsea continued to struggle for some rhythm Rymer scuffed a shot in front of goal clearly intimidated by the excellence of Panrucker and Martin who kept a stranglehold on Brightlingsea’s offensive play. At the other end Panrucker released Newland who from a good position sliced his shot wide.
The break through came in the 65th minute when joyous scenes erupted. The visitor’s won a free kick on the right and the luckless Terry Rymer redeemed himself from the earlier miss by sending his free kick to the near post and with the defence on this occasion napping allowed the quick thinking RITCHIE MEADOWS to move into the space and with great aplomb volley with a perfectly angled side foot that hit the back of the net with power. This initiated scenes of happiness with the customary removal of the shirt and a mini crowd invasion. Meadows congratulations from his relieved colleagues earned him a yellow card for disrobing – as per the ruling – but nothing could detract that a season’s considerable effort was nearing fruition.
There were a series of substitutions from both sides in the closing stages. The home side fought with great continued determination and Louis Newland took advantage of a good cross from Heffer but the resultant volley whistled past the post and Blake Panrucker had a shot blocked whilst at the other end Sam Holman appeared to be booked for time wasting. The home side were unfortunate when Joe Martin’s free kick was met by Wayne Chapman who blasted home but the Assistant ruled the effort off-side.
In the closing minutes the visitor’s looked confident of achieving the season’s work without any further threat to their title aspirations.  In fact they might have added another following good movement from Phil Kelly who released Luke Hughes inside the 18 yard box but the ensuing shot was blocked and similarly hero Meadows crossed into the path of substitute James Cole who was denied by a great block by James Bolton.
In a timely moment of significance Terry Rymer was withdrawn with a minute of stoppage time to play. Doubtless this was for the Brightlingsea’s top marksman to milk the deserved applause for a season’s contribution that spearheaded his side’s first success for many years. The final whistle sounded and scenes of jubilation ensued. It had been a less than awe-inspiring performance from the victors due, in no small measure, to the homes sides tenacity. However the special bonding between the players and the Management of James Webster and Mark Gridley proved the perfect chemistry for an outstanding season’s work.  
The handsome Cup was presented by League Official Mr Jim Wicks.    
Full Time: Holland FC   0 – 1    Brightlingsea Regent
Holland FC;
 Russell Lamb; Daryl Heffer, James Bolton, Blake Panrucker, Joe Martin; Wayne Palmer, Kalon Harm, Wayne Chapman, Ross Thorogood; Vinny Kelly, Louis Newland.
 Substitutes: Neil Brooks, GaryOverhill, Frankie Parrish, Aklex Ball.
 Brightlingsea Regent:
Daniel Beeson;  Daryl Wallis, Jake Gould, Liam Morley, Jake Holman; Warren Joseph, Ritchie Meadows, Sam Holman, Phil Kelly; Terry Rymer. Luke Hughes
Substitutes: Ryan Salter, Matt Hill, James Cole, Dean Sillett, Ricky Griggs
Referee:              Mr Steve Woods (Wivenhoe)
Assistants            Mr Joe Buda (Clacton on Sea)
                             Mr Colin Lamb (Clacton on Sea)     
Man of the Match:    BLAKE PANRUCKER Strong performance both on the ground and in the air throughout the game.  
Entertainment Value:      * * *
 Pre Match Thoughts
I was in a sombre mood as I swept into Tesco following an indifferent week of ups and downs. I filled the trolley with the usual necessities and used my petrol voucher to fill up with discounted petrol 5p per litre – every little helps!
I decided to pick up my brother Phil at his new abode at Great Bentley and then on to Holland. My selected music was from the all time great, Roy Orbison. The selection was quiet apt given the circumstances that heralded a new week. These included – Communication Breakdown – Heartache – Break My Mind – Go Go Go – I’m Hurtin’ – Time to Cry – Falling – Goodnight – (No) I’ll Never Get Over You – I’m In A Blue Blue Mood – Blue Bayou – Its Over. You can read in to that music what you will!!!
There were plenty of people around at 2.00pm. when we arrived at the ground.  I have a nose for “ground hoppers”, people who I admire greatly. I decided to approach these football enthusiasts - easily identifiable by their shoulder bags carrying food and general refreshments, standing around in clusters discussing their journeys and their non league exploits.
I therefore give you these “hardy souls” who had journeyed to the East Coast by public transport and private vehicles for a match that the well produced programme stated on its front page the words –
“The game that both teams have been waiting for
The game of the season
So much at stake
Can Holland Stop Brightlingsea Winning the League
Can Brightlingsea Win the League today”.
What an introduction for the much travelled supporters of Non League Football.
Readers, may I introduce the squad of Ground Hoppers at Dulwich Road this afternoon:-
1.Keith Aslan
2.Danny Murphy    5.Steve Broughton 4.Barry Fenn        3.Brian Lovett
(Orpington)           (Manchester)          (Maidstone)            (Lowestoft)
7.Andy Marnoh     8. Roland Reeve    6. Bob Powell       11.Dave Stabelhurst
 (Uxbridge)           (Rainham, Kent)        (Enfield)              (Leytonstone)
                             9.Ken Allison         10. Mick Lewis
                                 (York)                    (Hitchin)
Substitutes: 12. Leon Gladwell 14.Steve Bullard     15.David Attwell
                   (Harleston, Norfolk)         (WhiteCity)             (Aylesbury)
I have to advise that Steve from Manchester was down for the weekend to see his in-laws but took the game in as part of his schedule!! But as for Ken he travelled by various trains from York, a journey spanning five hours with an 8.00 am start.
Whilst chatting to League Life Member, mate and follower of this Column, Colin Garrod, he said that one of the above gentlemen asked how long it would take to walk back to Clacton Station! These people are the “real” supporters of football in my opinion. I hope you had an enjoyable day gentlemen and had a safe journey home. 
I said hello to officials Steve Wood, Joe Buda but missed official Colin Lamb. Steve asked “Are you following me around?” (Last seen at Hedinghams United not too long ago). Ground Hopper David Attwell informed me that he too was at Headinghams United on the same day, when the home club entertained no other than Brightlingsea Regent.
With rumours circulating about ‘my future’ that was causing some embarrassment I decided to make myself scarce and moved to the far side of the pitch…. and the rest is consigned to the history books.
Post Match Thoughts
Brightlingsea Regent had to “grind” out a result that brought about their Championship success. The match was charged with much tension and Holland FC were clearly set upon being the “party poopers”.  Gas Recreation can be assured that Tony Davis Baker’s boys gave it a real go. Having seen Brightlingsea this season on several occasions this was hardly vintage stuff but my word they do have the essential ingredients of team work and togetherness, qualities that other sides might learn from without being critical.
It was a real scrap from start to finish and nobody really starred for the visitor’s. Holland played with great determination all round the pitch denying space and nullifying the threat of Terry Rymer who looked a shadow of himself - well marshalled by Messrs Martin and Panrucker who were excellent.
However Brightlingsea Regent is not wholly reliant upon one man, far from it. When that bit of creativity was needed it was second highest Club scorer Ritchie Meadows, but aided and abetted by Terry, that won the day. A simple move - brilliantly executed – the title won.
Having been a neutral observer during the season I frankly had my doubts early on. The accolades should be shared amongst all those concerned but in particular the successful management team of James Webster and Mark Gridley. I have observed these two guys from close quarters and believe that their decision making and use of the squad has been exceptional including substitutions at critical times.
Following their heavy defeat at Gas Recreation the team could have succumbed to the pressures of chasing Glen Cowan’s side. However, through the strength of the management and character of the players their collective qualities have shone through in abundance. Terry Rymer will perhaps, be the “Player of the Season” but keeper Daniel Beeson’s twenty three “shut outs” have been no mean feat.
The Essex & Suffolk Border League have worthy champions in Brightlingsea Regent. I personally wish them continued success whether it is in this League or more probably in the Ridgeons League.
I commend referee Steve Woods on what I regard as a fine performance on such an occasion. He might have booked more players particularly in the first half but he exercised a firm hand and common sense and I believe he gained much respect for that, particularly when he spoke to both captains in the 28th minute. Clearly the feisty opening period calmed down and the game was allowed to flow. There was little incident in the second half indicating Steve’s fine handling of the game. Nice to see you again mate together with your two able Assistants.
Charles Hewitt
The cremation of Charles was a memorable occasion.  The members of the local “football fraternity” were very much in attendance for a man who had given so much to football in particular. His Life clearly touched so many people and the service given by the Reverend Tim Bull was both “apt” and moving.
I was able to have a quiet word with brother Ritchie who was naturally very saddened. I understand that the subsequent meeting of family and friends at the Ramada Hotel was equally well attended.
On behalf of all who knew Charles I extend sincere sympathy and condolences to his family.
And finally!
Writing reports and expressing opinions I do for the ‘love’ of the League.
I would like to thank all those of you who have appreciated my reports and “ramblings”. My post bag suggests that the vast majority are ‘happy’. I very much enjoyed attending the matches, meeting the characters who deeply enrich our football league with their hard work and dedication…. and provide them with some well deserved ‘Profile’. 
This is my last report for the season. May I wish readers a “Happy Summer”. So it’s goodbye from me and ‘er indoors, who’s been a great support - and from brother Phil!
John Campany
21st May 2011-05-24