Bristol U18 & U21 Football Combination League
2011-2012 Season

Bristol Division 1

Bradley Stoke  0    Highridge United  5

Sunday, 04 December 2011

After last weeks result Highridge could be forgiven for thinking this would be an easy match. Both teams started off really brightly, passing and moving and making this an exciting match to watch. Although it would seem that Highridge were in the ascendancy Bradley Stoke defended with tenacity and determination and held off any Highridge attack to continually frustrate the visitors. Both teams had chances to score but they were not taken. You would not think that these teams were at opposite ends of the table.
0 – 0 at half time was a fair result of the way the match was at the time.
5 minutes into the second half Highridge were given a penalty, correctly called by the Referee, which was despatched by the Highridge player. Bradley Stoke did not let their heads drop but kept going at Highridge, who had to work for every ball. Then in the space of 5 minutes Bradley Stoke seemed to lose concentration and Highridge scored 3 quick goals to basically undo all the hard work the Bradley Stoke players had put in. With their tails up, Highridge then started to control midfield more and were creating more openings, also using the fresh legs of substitutes to their advantage, a luxury Bradley Stoke didn’t have. With fatigue setting in Bradley Stoke only getting breakaway attacks going but the Highridge defence held strong. Bradley Stoke could not score to make the game look more even and get something from all their hard work and Highridge took their chances well, especially their fifth and final goal. Well done to both teams for making this entertaining to watch and to the Referee for the decisions he made and for letting the game flow when he could.
Final result :- Bradley Stoke Youth 0 – 5 Highridge
Scorers :- Jack Clark, Sean Byrne, Kane Hancock, Jack Cocking, Adam Frail