Privacy Policy
football.mitoo & GDPR
football.mitoo is committed to looking after your personal data.
This policy covers the service of football.mitoo, a free online information service for football leagues. It applies to everybody with personal information on the site (players, referees and league management committee members).
Your personal information is protected by encryption, both in flight (HTTPS://) and at rest when it is encrypted on disk. Only authorised members of the football.mitoo team, authorised individual league managers and our partner, CrowdScores, will have access, unless an authorised Government Agency has a right of access obtained by Court Order.
We will contact you with information about football.mitoo when required.
We will ask you for your permission before sending any marketing information. We have to have a valid reason to use your personal information. This is called the 'lawful basis for processing'.
You are in control of your personal information and you have the right to request a copy of your information. You have the right to ask us to correct what is wrong, to delete the information or to request that we only use it for certain purposes and to change your mind and ask us to stop using your information. To action your request please contact the relevant league. If this has not been successful then contact us directly.
football.mitoo uses cookies to track you when you are logged into the system and make sure what you see is for your eyes only. There are no further uses for these cookies.
You will find out about changes to this policy via an email or app or a Home page communication from us.

© football.mitoo May 2018