10th August 2018

For the last 13 months football.mitoo has been supported financially by CrowdScores Ltd. to the extent that we haven't needed to place commercial advertising on the site, we haven't had to charge for adverts on the noticeboard, and we haven't had to approach leagues for a donation.

A couple of weeks ago I was informed by CrowdScores that they are terminating their payments for the licence to have read-only access to the football.mitoo database. This means that we will again need to look elsewhere for an income from football.mitoo to allow us to continue hosting, supporting and developing the website.

This is their statement:
For the 17/18 season CrowdScores purchased access to the Mitoo database. The aim was to provide a slick mobile experience for players and fans within the Mitoo leagues. Unfortunately this did not translate into as many users as hoped for and we can no longer justify continuing to pay for this data.

After consulting with football.mitoo we have both agreed that, pending analysis of the new database, we will continue to display all Mitoo fixtures, results and tables in the CrowdScores app for the coming season so that this data remains available to players in a mobile format.
CrowdScores Logo Appstore Link Google Play Link
As of August 1st 2018 we have had to revert to the previous minimum £10 charge for ten weeks at £1 per week for Noticeboard adverts.