United Counties Football League
2005-2006 Season
Premier Division

Desborough Town  1    Blackstones  1

Saturday, 10 December 2005

Desborough will view this as two points lost after leading Stones for almost an hour. Recent signing Michael Byrne gave Ar Tarn the lead after 22 minutes, beating two defenders before firing home, and they remained in front until twelve minutes from time when substitute Adam Scotcher earned Stones a share of the spoils with a fierce drive after Jamie Gilsenan flicked on a long throw from Gavin Barnes.

Desborough: Paul Beresford, Richard Kimbell, David Glass, Glyn Davies, Andy Brown, Greig McIlwain, Mark Forbes, Pete Sneddon, Eddie Mills, Michael Byrne, Tom Mills.
Blackstones: Ian Flavell, Darren Glover, Mark Wood, Paul Sheehan, Gavin Barnes, Matty Doyle, Robbie Blowers, Gareth Williams, Jamie Gilsenan, Craig Scotcher (Trevor Smith), Danny Wright (Adam Scotcher).
Attendance: 66.