Spartan South Midlands Football League
2003-2004 Season
Beds Senior Trophy
Round 2

Langford 2 Old Dunstablians 1

Saturday, 06 December 2003

It was an overcast Forde Park that welcomed Old Dunstablians for this Beds Senior Trophy second round tie. Old Dunstablians are currently the Second Division leaders and gave the spectators a pulsating cup-tie that it was a shame somebody had to lose.

The Reds were dealt a blow when Steve Starling was unable to start due to a bout of influenza and it was decided that Lee Harman would partner Marc Holmes up-front. The visitors showed the confidence of only suffering two defeats during the season so far and matched the Reds with some flowing passing football. The Reds played a more direct style trying to get the ball out to Goldsmith and Groves on the flanks and this did prove a problem for the visitors as Goldsmith was able to fire some telling crosses into and across the box that only narrowly missed the incoming Reds forwards. An early chance for the visitors when a free kick was pumped into the Langford area and Siddons laid the ball back to Graham but he fired over the bar. The game moved backwards and forwards between the two areas and although chances were few and far between the match had excitement that can only be found in Cup football. Just before the half hour O.Ds Anthony White made a direct run at the centre of the Reds defence, unleashing a low shot that Kyle could only parry but no one was on hand to put away the rebound. Straight back up the other end with Marc Holmes finding space on left and his deep cross found Wayne Goldsmith who in turn laid the ball in for LEE HARMAN to open the scoring with a confident finish. The Reds Julian Bennett received a yellow card shortly afterwards and will now have to serve a suspension, as it was his fifth of the season. At half time with the Reds holding a one-goal advantage it was still a very even game and the second half was eagerly awaited. HT 1-0.

If anybody thought the first half was good then the second half was even better and you couldnt take your eyes of the action in case you missed anything. Langford knew one goal was not going to be enough against a team that had only failed to score in one match so far this season. Bradley Ritson so nearly opened the second half in explosive fashion ghosting into a good position but failing to get a good strike on goal. Then Lee Harman couldnt take advantage of Martin Lauders open goal with a shot that was easily cleared. The visitors had brought on Aaron Smith at half time and the game continued to ebb and flow between the penalty areas Langford not helping their cause by seemingly being unable to win the second ball in midfield. Steve Graham was booked for a crunching tackle on spud Bennett but the game was continuing to be played in the right spirit. Shaun Jenkins replaced Leigh Sutton as the Reds defender was suffering from a slight knock. Just before the hour O.Ds Gary Capehorn was in a great position to level things up at the far post but could only fire over the bar, a lucky let off for the Reds. Within two minutes Lee Harman found himself with only Martin Lauder to beat but the visiting keeper saved with legs. Although the game was tight it was Langford that were having the better chances Holmes firing inches wide when well placed and Harmans shot being well saved low down at the near post. With eleven minutes remaining the Reds were made to pay for missed chances when Simon King got away from his marker and put in a great cross that substitute RYAN POWELL headed home. One apiece and the visitors piled forward to try and grab a winner but this left them exposed at the back time and again Langford found space to create chances that was met with some equally determined defending. The best of these chances fell to Wayne Goldsmith who carried the ball from the halfway line and with the defence backing off saw his shot from the edge of the box shave the post. With the game heading for extra time another break away for the Reds involving Lee Rogers and Wayne Goldsmith with the ball finally falling to MARC HOLMES at the far post who managed to squeeze his shot home to win the game. It had been a titanic struggle and Old Dunstablians had played their part in the game that was a credit to football at our level and was probably the best seen at Forde Park this season. FT2-1

Langford; Kyle;Stillwell;Sutton;Chamberlan;Bennett;Rogers;Goldsmith; Ritson; Holmes; Harman; Groves. SUBS USED; Jenkins for Sutton(51). SUBS NOT USED; Roy Ryall, Lee Downham, Ben Lowden

Old Dunstablians; Lauder; Ellerson: Keeble; McCulloch; Graham; Allen; King; Siddons; Covington; Capehorn; White. SUBS USED; Smith for White (45), Powell for Allen(67) SUBS NOT USED; Simon Gooding, Andy Judge GOALS Langford; Lee Harman (28), Marc Holmes (90), Old Dunstablians; Ryan Powell (79)

Bookings & Sending off; Langford; Julian Bennett (b, 30) Old Dunstablians; Steve Graham (b, 51)

Referee; Mr. J CHIDLEY (Flitwick)