Spartan South Midlands Football League
2003-2004 Season
Premier Division

Leverstock Green 1 Bedford United & Valerio 0

Saturday, 13 September 2003

Leverstock Green won their fourth League game out of five and moved to 5th in the league with a solid display by beating Bedford United Town at Pancake Lane. With several players either injured or suspended Leverstock Green were still very strong and the only problem was how Leverstock Green didn?t win by at least 5 goals.

With the amount of changes it too Leverstock Green a little time to get into their stride and when they did it was the end for Bedford United. The first real chance came after 20 minutes when Dennis Fennemore broke clear from a pass from Andy Phillips but the Bedford Keeper Mick Foulks saved well. The only problem to the green came after 25 minutes when the greens defence got abit sloppy but Glen Conville shot wide. The green should have gone ahead again on 30 minutes When Foulks saved again this time from Steve grimes when the Keeper souldn?t of had a chance. On 35 minutes From a Andy Phillips corner steve Boad headed downwards beat the keeper but bounced over the bar. Chances came and adin the green we unlucky not to score when Tony sears hit the underside of the bar and was cleared. Dead on time Befords Keeper Foulks denied the Green when Tony Sears.

The second half opened up with the Green pressing again first a Fennemore shot and a Phillips free were saved by Keeper Foulks. Th break through came after 54 minutes when from a Andy Phillips corner Antony Beamish headed back across goal for Steve Boad to score the eventual winner side footing home.

The rest of the half Leverstock Green totally dominated and chance came and went but the worst went flying over from 5 Yards after being set up by Andy Phillips.

Team: Timberlake, Bartlett, Butcher, Beamish, Grimes, Johnson, Boad, Phillips, Wardle, Sears and Fenemore. Subs: McKane for Whitby, Milton for Grimes Masters for Boad M Johnson and Simpson did not play

Tony Smart