Oxford Mail Girls Football League
2008-2009 Season

Under 16 Division

Carterton U16  11    North Leigh U16  2

Saturday, 20 September 2008


Goal scorers
Carterton  Charlotte McClarron 4, Stacey Oakey 6 and Jenny Whitlock 1
North Leigh Bryony Bennett  2.
Carterton started the season at home to North Leigh on what was a bright sunny September morning.  There was a large crowd in attendance for this local derby, and they were not to be disappointed.  Carterton started strongly and after early pressure took the lead through Charlotte McClarron's strike from just inside the six-yard box.  The next ten minutes were fairly even and North Leigh eventually equalized through Bryony Bennett.  Carterton soon responded through two quick goals from Stacey Oakey to given them a 3-1 lead.  Just before half time the fleet-footed Jenny Whitlock burst through to score just on half-time to give a 4-1 half-time lead to Carterton. 
The start of the second half Carterton got a rude awakening from North Leigh when Bryony Bennett broke through to score hers and North Leigh's second to reduce the arrears.  This kicked Carterton into action who then quickly scored 4 more goals in the next 10 minutes 3 from Stacey and one from Charlotte bringing the score to 8-2.  Things quietened down and Carterton managed three more goals before the end of the game Stacey striking one from the halfway line to give her a double hat trick and two more from Charlotte to give her four on her debut for Carterton.  A great start for Carterton to the new season but also well done to North Leigh for battling hard in their first game at 11-a-side.